Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 64 - Get your God on!

Hello again faithful readers. Today should be a fantastic day. Me and the kids are going to Great Adventure with Bill Sagarese and his kids and hopefully Jennifer Elias and her kids. Really looking forward to a great day!
Yesterday was an up and down emotional roller coaster for me. But all ended well with date night with Kim. We walked the Manasquan river until it was so dark we couldn't see 5 feet in front of us just caught up in conversation. We went out to dinner last night and came home and crashed on the couch.
I always go to the Manasquan River when something is bothering me. And every time I have been there, God always shows up in the craziest of ways. Not once that I have been there have I not have a conversation with God and have left without answers. So this brings up a great question for today! You can comment or email me or text me if you'd like to respond. Here it is:
Where do you find God the most????
Now this is a crazy questions because we all know that in the book of  "Matthew 7:7 it says:        
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."

So we know that when we seek out God, he will show up. This is mentioned many of times in the bible. But how many times do you seek out God? Do you seek him only in times of need? Do you see him in praise in worship? Do you seek him to just plainly say thanks?
Or do you wait around just hoping that he will show up in your life?
Because if you are just waiting for him to work miracles, it's probably not going to happen. So many people walk around and look at other people and think we do good things always happen to him and not me? Why is he so lucky? Why does everything seem to work out for that family?
Have you ever stopped to think that those people are constantly seeking God and it's HIS WILL? That they constantly pray and God is answering their prayers. That they truly believe that if they leave their life in God's hands he will provide? The simple answer is YES! So again, how often are you seeking God? Are you going to just living the life you think you should be living and hope God handles your rough patches? Because he won't!
I can honestly say that I seek God numerous times in the day. I start my day with prayer on the back patio. God is there! I drive to work and listen to worship songs. God is there next to me making sure my seatbelt it on! I know this because of that annoying bell that rings every 5 minutes if I don't wear it. That's God reminding me to be safe! I get to work and I ask for God to bless the office and everyone in the office. God is there! I come home and pray with my family before dinner. God is there! I read the bible with my wife at night some times and GOD IS DEFINITELY THERE! And when I rest my head on the pillow at night I thank God for everything he is doing in our lives! And he says to me, "Your welcome child. You are living the life as a disciple of my Son Jesus and I have a house for you ready in My Kingdom when I call for you!"
Are we doing enough to get us into the pearly gates? Do you feel you could stand before God and honestly say I deserve to be in here? Even if you think it's enough, If God doesn't believe so, you may not enter. Sometimes we lie to get our way in society. And we may fool the people we are trying to fool and think we get away with it. But God knows we lied! And He's the one that you have to answer to on judgement day!
Are you just doing enough to get buy? Are you really seeking God all the time. Because when you seek God, he answers, he helps, he provides, he gives us directions and gives us answers. But you need to seek God with all your heart. Not half, not a quarter, with ALL your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13                    
You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
Acts 17:27                    
That they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us.
Deuteronomy 4:29                    
But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul.

And here is the biggest promise of all! Out of every thing I have read in the bible concerning seeking God, this to me is the most important:
Proverbs 8:17                    
I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.
God is making us a promise. One that no one should refuse! Let's look at it backwards: Those who seek me DILIGENTLY find me, and I LOVE THOSE WHO LOVE ME!
When you love someone, do you let them fail? Are you always there for them? Do you always have your back? God is promising all of that!
Lastly, where is the place you seek and find God the most? Church, prayer, conversations, bible study, your house? Where? For me it's the Manasquan River. I don't know why and I don't care to understand why. But I trust that when I really need to have a conversation with God, this is my "go to" place!
SONG OF THE DAY: "Love take me over" by Steven Curtis Chapman!

BIBLE VERSE OF THE DAY: Ephesians 5:8                    
For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.

Have a great Saturday everyone. Seek God today and let him take you over!

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