Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 34 - A New Chapter Begins.........

Good morning everyone! What a beautiful day God has given us today! Amen?
23 years ago today, I was standing outside my house trembling with fear waiting for the school bus to pick me up and bring me to Saint John Vianney high school. I can remember it like it was yesterday. My mother telling me it will be fine because me sister was two years older in the same school and she will protect me and help me meet new friends. I didn't buy it. She was a Junior and a girl, how could she help me? When the bus arrived, my sister immediately went to the back of the bus and said to me that it's for juniors and seniors only. Sit in the front! So I sat across from this other boy and Thank God he started talking to me. We remained best friends until the end of high school when our next chapter in life would begin in different states. 
I was bought up as a Catholic, didn't convert to Christianity until only 6 years ago. Back in those days, we would go to church on Sunday dressed in our Sunday best and then come home and eat breakfast and figure out what we were doing the rest of the day. We would hear our parents talk a little about God at the table but after Sunday we really didn't speak of Him at all. I went to a Catholic school from grades 1 thru 8 and even then it something was missing. If we got in trouble, say the rosary. Or worse yet, smacked with a ruler. But as a child I don't remember ever praying besides the normal "Now I lay me down to sleep" prayer. I had to deal with my issues by myself. I wasn't armed with Jesus. It was all routine. Confessions in a box. Communion in a straight line that if you were caught even waving to someone you Pops would smack you head. LOL. Maybe over exaggerating a little there but you get the point.
This morning my not so little 14 yr. old girl was walking out the door to the bus stop that would bring her to the same school I went to 23 years ago today. But it's different for her. Is she nervous? Yes. But she truly understands that God will protect her. Last night we prayed together and talked alot about anxiety. I even think I have anxiety every once and a while. But what is anxiety???? It's fear. Plain and simple, you are anxious over something that you are afraid of! Right? So we broke down fear. It is mentioned in the bible 365 times "DO NOT FEAR"! God must really be making a point that he doesn't want us to fear. So I told Mya that she has 365 "fear cards" to use, one for each day. And if she is scared at any time, use the fear card. Heck, use 5 fear cards today because you don't need them every single day. So what is a "fear card" you might ask? It's a simple prayer to remind us to "DO NOT FEAR"! 

Isaiah 41:10
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
2 Timothy 1:7
1 Peter 5:7
Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

So I reminded Mya of all there "Fear Cards" and she was at ease. I also reminded her of the Youth Rally the other night and asked her, "Mya, are you GOING to school today"? And she answered, "No I am being SENT to school today!" Her emotions are telling her to be scared but God is reminding her that everything will be ok. She is ready and when the other kids see the light shining from her heart, that she fears nothing, that she speaks only kind words, they will all follow her! Amen?
I went to school there for 4 years and we were called the Lancers! I had no idea what a lancer meant. So I texted Mya on the bus, what is a Lancer? She quickly googled it because she didn't know either. The response came back: LANCER - a soldier of a cavalry regiment armed with lances. Wow! Then she said weren't you wearing a shirt like that yesterday? And I was!
Ephesians 6:11
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.
Because we are Christians, and we have submerged our lives with walking with Christ and prayer and fellowship, Mya is armed walking into school today as a Lancer of God! I'm proud of her! 

Not much going on yesterday. Had alot of work to do. But I always have my assistant put on my calendar to leave time to pray, worship and praise. I had a little (anxiety) fear yesterday at work. I was running out of time before my appointment got her to finish a project and this was a new client coming in so I'm always a bit nervous. So I called my friend Brian to talk it over. He of course gave me the same advice I gave my daughter and all was good. We all need a reminder every once and a while that we can't do anything on our own. We must trust and lean on God. 
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding
You see, me and Brian share a funny story from about 30 days ago. You will learn more about my testimony in the future but for now this is the best I can do. A month ago I sent Brian a text that got him worried and I didn't respond to the text because I was watching sports center on the floor in my living room and passed out. I woke up about 2 hours later and looked at the TV and "Spaceballs" was on. I was confused thinking why is ESPN playing Spaceballs? I got up and saw Brian on the couch at around midnight saying, "What's up?" He was worried about a text I sent him and came over the house, my wife and kids were at my sister's in Rhode Island, and checked on me and was willing to settle in for a long night on the couch. I got up, got a drink and sat on the couch as we laughed together from one of our favorite movies. We talked and not long after I decided to go to bed and let Brian go back to his family. Every since that day we text quotes from the movie. "God is working through you at Ludacris Speed!!!!" "We can't stop, we must slow down first, it's too dangerous!" Good stuff!
So as I'm a little fearful yesterday and ready to bring my new client into my office I prayed for strength, courage and just to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I meet my new client and almost fell on the floor! It was a great meeting.
So it's obvious, God does have a sense of humor and Spaceballs IS his favorite movie.
So as the school year starts, or a new chapter in your life begins, always remember that Jesus is there for you! You might not realize it at the time, but you need to keep your eyes wide open as well as your heart or you will miss the signs. And yes, that was another God encounter yesterday.
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. AMEN?????
Have a blessed day everyone. God loves you, Jesus loves you, I love you! Call or text if you need me for anything. God Bless

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